
かりん~♪'s VGC18 HK Midseason Showdown Winter #3 (7 Jan 2018)

因為今次有外國 player 參加今次的 MSS (雖然他們應該唔會睇居多),所以今次寫埋英文版在下方。
As there were players outside Hong Kong joining MSS this time (maybe none of them would watch this post though), English version is also provided after Chinese version.


(中文版 Chinese version)


新的一年新的開始,Pokemon vgc 也踏入全國圖鑒的 vgc18 規了。7 Jan 2018 便是香港的第一場 vgc18 香港賽事 - Midseason Showdown Winter #3。

今次活動有來自各地的玩家參與,例如有澳門、PRC、澳洲,還有北美洲的著名玩家 Aaron Cybertron Zheng。參與人數接近場地上限的 46 masters + 1 senior,可惜 master 人數不夠 48 人 top16 沒有 CP。今年要取得 CP 還真的不容易呢 :[

我的隊伍:噴火龍 (Mega-Y), Koko, Fini, 土地雲 (靈獸), 風妖精, 哥德小姐
因為之後還有機會使用類近的類伍,現階段未有打算將比賽片段上載至 YouTube。不過好似到處都有呼聲要貼出 round 5 的片段,就回應一下大家的要求啦 XD
(Added 30 Jan 2018) 片段已上載至 YouTube。Playlist: https://goo.gl/4aAqve

跟平常一樣,我只寫對手的 game 名而唔打真名。大家不要在 report 或者其他地方寫我的全名或者貼出我的相或者影片,我不希望有關資料被搜尋引擎如 Google 標記。(有關原因請自行翻舊 post)

Round 0 vs Sejun (???) (Win)

直衝熊 + 火神蟲 + 袋獸 + 土地雲靈獸 (Koko + Fini)

前一晚我在 battle spot 試隊,然後遇上 2014 VG master 冠軍韓國玩家 Sejun。(怎麼我總是在試隊的時候撞中知名實況玩家上 stream......)

Sejun 派出火神蟲跟直衝熊,我則派出 Koko 跟地狗。我直接 Koko 閃光 + 地狗岩崩,他火神蟲出了怒粉之後就食岩崩退場,直衝熊剩下少過一半 HP 所以肚皮鼓失敗,Sejun 直接就投降了。

我看見 game 名及玩家地點時已猜想是不是 Sejun 正在作實況,到我開到他的 stream 時我 3DS 已出現遊戲結算畫面,而他在 stream 裡正在說 "I cannot win this" 而按投降,正好跟我從他玩氣球 Lele 隊取得靈感 Lele 用 scarf 的場面差不多 (他那次最後贏了)。

Round 1 vs dicky (Win)

阿羅拉雷超 + Koko + 巨金怪 (Mega) + 紙御劍 (土地雲靈獸 + Lele)

香港一名在 vgc17 提倡使用紅牌智揮猩的本地玩家 (我實際無見過他在比賽上用過)。

他派出雙電首發,我派出 Fini 蓋去他的電氣場地及風妖精作順風。我換出地狗意外地浪費了他的雷超 Z。他的紙御劍順風都開不到就被我收掉,之後我的地狗就壓制他了。

Round 2 vs Q (Lose)

雷鳥 + 土地雲靈獸 + Fini + 班吉拉 (暴露菇 + 巨金怪)


我有一個不好的習慣就是當有 hax 發生的時候,就會將拎住的筆 (原子筆 / 3DS 筆) 扔落枱面 (例如 Roy.L 將我換出的 Lele 結冰或者對おにじい的自然之怒 miss)。今次枝 3DS 筆就彈左去兩張枱隔離既ルギア個位,我要跟對手同ルギア講聲唔好意思呢。

唔...... 這個習慣有待改善,如果唔係遲下就可能會俾唔知邊個 Hong Kong VGC player 話有暴力傾向架啦......

Round 4 vs カイナアノン (Win)

阿羅拉高竇貓 + 哥德小姐 + 阿羅拉格拉格拉 + 阿羅拉爛泥獸 (Fini + 大嘴娃)

之前 game 名叫 Gianna 的香港玩家。以前 vgc17 對他都是用伊貝隊,我諗住他今次會用格龍隊。怎料是用哥德 Trick Room 隊,還有我在 vgc17 中很常用的阿羅拉高竇貓。

高竇貓落雨令我的噴火龍無力化... 不過最後他的踏影比我的踏影先結束,然後我地狗就換出 Fini 壓制他了。

(Added 31 Jan 2018) 哥德小姐這場充份發揮出她的實力,這個遊戲變成猜猜看遊戲了。

Round 5 vs ルギア (Win)

敏捷蟲 + UB毒龍 + 噴火龍 (Mega-Y) + 勾魂眼 (Lele + 格龍)

他的 report: http://playpokemonhk.com/mss-7-jan-champion-team-report/

當天 MSS 冠軍 (當時他全勝我一敗)。vgc16 世界賽 top16 的香港玩家不過無人知他係邊個,就好似無人知我係邊個咁。(他在一場四強賽旁述時話 mr misplay 係我,咁我應該就係 mr misplay 囉,除非唔係)

我一開始讀心收左他的毒龍,之後風妖開順風。他的噴火龍中 Fini 月爆減特攻及多次熱風 miss 令他無法處理我後期仍然滿血的噴火龍就輸了。

話說回來,他即使如此被 hax 都仍然面不改容,應該是一個很值得學習的對象。

Round 6 vs ivankk

哥德小姐 + 熾焰咆哮虎 + 蚊香娃皇 + Bulu (樂天河童 + 大嘴娃)

當天四強,今次終於無在終盤對上全勝玩家,但因為這場輸了 4-2 而對手勝率不足只有 top16 無分......


Swiss 過後,因為比賽主辦方事前問我借出實況機作淘汰賽之用,所以我的實況機就第一次在香港的比賽中使用了(以前佢地個部實況機插左 headphone 個喇叭會有雜音)。如是者 top8 的 alvin 跟 top4 的 ivankk 均使用我的實況機下敗北,最後決賽到ルギア使用我的實況機終於贏了,實況機阿你的表現還可以啦不是全敗~ (其實我想全敗多少少 XD)

呃... 我掛住玩 NS 鍊金工房 (《リディー&スールのアトリエ 〜不思議な絵画の錬金術士〜》) 無打到限定版開箱文...... 得閒打返。


(英文版 English version)

Happy new year to 2018!

As the beginning of a new year, the vgc format changed to the National Dex format (vgc18). The first vgc18 Hong Kong event - Midseason Showdown Winter #3 was held on 7 Jan 2018.

There were a variety of players outside HK joining the event including Macau, PRC, Australia, and also a well-known NA player Aaron Cybertron Zheng. The venue was quite fully occupied by 46 masters + 1 senior in the event, which was less than the next kicker of 48 players therefore top16 players could not earn CP. Getting CP in this season is not easy :[

My team was Charizard-Mega-Y, Tapu Koko, Tapu Fini, Landorus-Therian, Whimsicott and Gothitelle. I don't post my battle videos on YouTube at this moment as I may still use similar teams in the future. However it seems that many people want me to post the round 5 out, therefore I respect everyone XD.
(Added 31 Jan 2018) Replay videos have been uploaded to YouTube. Playlist is available at https://goo.gl/4aAqve .


As usual, I wrote players' in-game name only for the match-ups. Please don't write my full name nor post any photos/videos with my face in reports or something else, I don't want that information searchable from search engines like Google. (Please look for older posts for the reason, it is in Chinese.)

Round 0 vs Sejun (???) (Win)

Linoone + Volcarona + Kangaskhan + Landorus-Therian (Tapu Koko + Tapu Fini)

I tested my team on battle spot in the previous night of MSS and I met Sejun, the WCS 2014 VG master world champion. (How come I always meet well-known streaming players when I am testing new teams...)

Sejun led with Volcarona and Linoone, while I led with Koko and Landorus. I directly selected Dazzling Gleam + Rock Slide, his Volcarona was knocked out by Rock Slide after using Rage Powder and Linoone could not Belly Drum due to insufficient remaining HP. Sejun directly forfeited in the second turn.

When I saw his in-game name and place, I was thinking if Sejun was playing on stream. Upon I reached his stream, the match result was displaying on my 3DS and he was still saying "I cannot win this" and clicked forfeit on his stream. This was similar to the moment when he was playing Lele+Drifblim on stream which I inspired for a scarfed Lele in my vgc17 Lele+Drifblim team (but he won at that time).

Round 1 vs dicky (Win)

Raichu-Alola + Tapu Koko + Metagross-Mega + Kartana (Tapu Lele + Landorus-Therian)

A Hong Kong local player who promoted the use of a Red Card Oranguru in VGC17 (I actually never see him using that in tournaments).

He led with double-electric lead and I led Fini to cancel his Electric Terrain and Whimsicott for setting up Tailwind. I switched Landorus out and wasted his Raichu Z-move unexpectedly. As I knocked out his Kartana without letting him setting up Tailwind, I took down his team by Landorus.

Round 2 vs Q (Lose)

Zapdos + Landorus-Therian + Tyranitar + Tapu Fini (Metagross + Amoonguss)

A player from Australia. After some luck exchanges, my only remaining Charizard could not handle his Tyranitar with the sand at the back so I lost.

There is a bad habit from me: when there is a hax moment occurred (e.g. ROY.L freezed my Tapu Lele / my Nature's Madness missed when played with おにじい), I will throw my pen (writing pen / 3DS pen) onto the table. This time my 3DS pen dropped to ルギア's seat which was 2 tables next to me. I have to say sorry to both players for my such mis-behavior.

um... I have to improve my such habit, otherwise I may be caught by a "Hong Kong VGC player" for psychological abuse in the future......

Round 4 vs カイナアノン (WIn)

Gothitelle + Persian-Alola + Marowak.Alola + Muk.Alola (Tapu Fini + Mawile)

A Hong Kong player who previously in-game named Gianna. He used Eevee teams when I played with him in VGC17 so I thought that he would use a Kommo-o team this time. However he used a Trick Room team with Gothitelle and my VGC17 commonly used Persian-Alola.

The Rain Dance from his Persian ruined my Charizar... At the end I released from Shadow Tag first so I then took down his team by Tapu Fini.

(Added 30 Jan 2018) My Gothitelle was the MVP of this match, the match became a guessing game~

Round 5 vs ルギア (Win)

Accelgor + Naganadel + Sableye + Charizard-Mega-Y (Tapu Lele + Kommo-o)

His report (in Chinese): http://playpokemonhk.com/mss-7-jan-champion-team-report/

Today MSS Champion (he was 4-0 before this match). WCS16 top16 Hong Kong player but nobody knows who is he, similar to me. (He said "Mr. Misplay" was me when he commentated a top4 match, so I should be "Mr. Misplay" or else.)

I knocked out his Naganadel by hard read in the first turn followed by setting up Tailwind by my Whimsicott. His Charizard's special attack drop by Tapu Fini's Moonblast and multiple Heat Wave misses made him couldn't handle my full HP Charizard in the later game and ruined his game.

By the way, he face kept unchanged after such special attack drop and misses. He should be a player with good sportsmanship that is worth learning from.

Round 6 vs ivankk (Lose)

Gothitelle + Incineroar + Tapu Bulu + Politoed (Mawile + Ludicolo)

Today MSS Top4 finisher. I lost this match and my result was 4-2 with a low Opponent Win %, therefore top16 only and no CP...

I switched my Gothitelle out earlier than him ruined my game and it ended with Perish Song.

After Swiss rounds, I lent my 3DS capture card out to TO as agreed before for single elimination matches. (There will be noise when using headphone with their capture card.) It was the first time they used my capture card. The both capture card users in top8 (alvin) and top4 (ivankk) lost and ルギア finally won in final using it. Well, very good that the capture card was not 0% wining rate~ (Actually I want that 0% winning rate instead XD)

Oh... I forgot to write a post about my NS Atelier Lydie & Suelle Premium Box un-boxing as I was hanging to play the Atelier... Will write it when I have time.

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